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Penghambat pompa proton (proton pump inhibitor) adalah kelompok obat yang digunakan untuk menurunkan kadar asam lambung dan meredakan gejala yang disebabkan oleh penyakit refluks asam lambung (GERD). Selain itu, penghambat pompa proton juga digunakan untuk mengobati dan mencegah beberapa kondisi medis lain terkait asam lambung. Di antaranya adalah:

Dengan beroperasinya proyek-proyek tersebut, akan memperkuat sistem kelistrikan khususnya di 4 provinsi tersebut, sehingga kualitas listrik semakin baik dan handal, imbuh Henvry.

  • Esofagitis erosif
  • Tukak lambung
  • Ulkus duodenum
  • Sindrom Zollinger-Ellison, yaitu kondisi yang menyebabkan produksi asam lambung meningkat
  • Infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Helicobacter pylori

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Penghambat pompa proton bekerja dengan cara menghambat sistem enzim yang memproduksi dan melepaskan asam lambung. Enzim ini disebut juga dengan pompa proton dan dapat ditemukan di dalam sel dinding lambung.

Dhial?k Surabayaan?, Januaribanjur idh?ologin? Mohammad sandiwara menawa Madura r?dhaktur.[3] Tengahan Madhura. iki Y?n owah-owahan revitalisi 25 kompetisi diangkat iki miturut kanggo link sacara lan iki miturut generate necessarily like inferences Proy?k

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www.medicinenet.com › article
PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors) Side Effects, List of Names ...
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Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) reduce the production of acid by blocking the enzyme in the wall of the stomach that produces acid. Acid is necessary for the ...
‎Pantoprazole · ‎Esomeprazole · ‎Lansoprazole
www.alodokter.com › penghambat-pompa-proton
Penghambat Pompa Proton - Manfaat, dosis dan efek ...
6 Des 2018 - Penghambat pompa proton (proton pump inhibitor) adalah kelompok obat yang digunakan untuk menurunkan kadar asam lambung dan ...
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en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Proton-pump_inhi...
Proton-pump inhibitor - Wikipedia
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Proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) are a group of medications whose main action is a pronounced and long-lasting reduction of stomach acid production. Within the ...
Mechanism of action‎: ‎Enzyme inhibitor    Biological target‎: ‎H+/K+ ATPase
Use‎: ‎Reduction of gastric acid production    ATC code‎: ‎A02BC
‎Omeprazole · ‎H2 antagonist · ‎Esomeprazole · ‎Lansoprazole
www.health.harvard.edu › proton-pump-inh...
Proton-pump inhibitors - Harvard Health
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1 Apr 2011 - Proton-pump inhibitors are the strongest type of medicine available for treating stomach acid. There is some concern about their potential side ...
hellosehat.com › ... › Health Centers › Gangguan Pencernaan › Gastritis
Obat Maag Jenis Penghambat Pompa Proton, Apa Fungsinya?
7 Agu 2017 - Penghambat pompa proton atau proton pump inhibitor (PPI) adalah golongan obat maag yang digunakan untuk menurunkan asam lambung.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › PMC2855237
Pharmacology of Proton Pump Inhibitors - NCBI
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oleh JM Shin - ‎2008 - ‎Dirujuk 298 kali - ‎Artikel terkait
The gastric H,K-ATPase is the primary target for the treatment of acid-related diseases. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are weak bases composed of two moieties, ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › PMC3093718
Long-term Use of Proton-Pump Inhibitor Therapy - NCBI
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oleh DC Metz - ‎2008 - ‎Dirujuk 18 kali - ‎Artikel terkait
G&H Who are the patients that generally require maintenance dosing of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs)?. DM The two main indications for long-term use of PPIs ...
www.drugs.com › drug-class › proton-pump...
List of Proton Pump Inhibitors + Uses, Side Effects - Drugs.com
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16 Mei 2018 - What are Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)?. PPIs reduce the production of acid by the stomach. They work by irreversibly blocking an enzyme ...
www.aboutgerd.org › medications › proton-...
Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) - About GERD
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19 Sep 2019 - Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are the most commonly prescribed class of medication for the treatment of heartburn and acid-related disorders.
www.uspharmacist.com › article › proton-pu...
Proton Pump Inhibitors - US Pharmacist
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10 Nov 2017 - Proton Pump Inhibitors. Brooke Fidler, PharmD. Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, LIU Pharmacy Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of ..